Wednesday, 18 January 2012


There are more chickens on earth than humans. 

America eats 8 billion chickens a year. 

In the U.S. 46% of all chicken eaten is consumed in restaurants.

Americans eat 80 pounds of chicken per capita, which is more than beef at 63 pounds per capita. 

Hooters restaurants sell 30 million pounds of chicken wings each year. That is enough to circle the earth at the equator. 

A headless chicken can run the length of a football field before dropping dead.

Chicken has to be without a shadow of a doubt the most popular and cheapest meat on the market! For this reason it has been used in so many dishes all over the world, and not only does this simple animal produce us this simple yet versatile meat, it pops out eggs as well! Now on the whole i cant say I like the look of a chicken but put that poor creature on my plate and ill say see ya :)

Cooking Secret: I always find it hard to shape my chicken, because its full of fiber strings going across its hard to cut a 'perfect' cube shaped pice of chicken, or if its a poor quality, then its hard to cut it into thin strips etc. So what I
 do is boil them :) Now i mainly cook with chicken breast so i boil the chicken in a lightly salted pan for about 10 minutes tops, no more. Then because the chicken becomes tender and firm, i can shape it into tidy strips or shapes as i want to, then i usually fry it in choose flavours or whatever i had planned for dinner :) If the Chicken inside is undercook dont worry, you're going to continue to cook it, either be boiling or frying, grilling and this will cook the rest of the chicken through still giving you the perfect chicken in the way you want it.

Nicely Shaped Chicken

Dish; Just like Cornels:

2 TS of Mixed Herbs
2 TS of Jerk Chicken Seasoning 
1 TS of Salt&Peper (one Each)
1 TS of Flour
1 TS of Garlic Granules 
Bowl of Milk

Pre Heat you Deep Fat fryer to Maximum. Mix all the seasoning and the flour together well. 
With your pieces chicken simply dip them into the milk before tarnsfering transferring  them to the the seasoning plate, where you will cover the chicken making sure every sector is coverd covered with seasoning. 
Then simply lower the chicken carefully into the fryer, watching out for splashing oil.
Continue these steps until all chicken is in the fryer ensuring you dont over fill the fryer. Let the chicken fry freely in the oil until it is floating on the surface of the oil, once the chicken pieces are floating there are done. 
Quickly remove the chicken into a bowel with kitchen paper to drain out the oil.
After a minute or so serve with plenty of sauce and enjoy chicken, Just Like Cornels.

Not My Dish Guys But Once I Get A Chance To Upload My Image I Will 

TS-Table spoons

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